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MemberBIClass<T> - Class in es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic
Generates and stores the classes that perform a dynamic invocation, providing a specific interface.
MemberBIClass(Class<T>, TypeModifier, Class<?>, String, String) - Constructor for class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.MemberBIClass
MemberBIClass(Bootstrap, Class<T>, TypeModifier, Class<?>) - Constructor for class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.MemberBIClass
MemberBIClass(Bootstrap, Class<T>, TypeModifier, Class<?>, String, String) - Constructor for class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.MemberBIClass
MemberBSClass<T> - Class in es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic
Generates and stores the classes that perform a dynamic invocation, providing the method signature.
MemberBSClass(Bootstrap, MethodSignature) - Constructor for class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.MemberBSClass
MemberClass<T> - Class in es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic
Generates and stores the classes that perform a dynamic invocation, providing the information of a specific method.
MemberClass(Class<?>, String, Class<?>, Class<?>[], TypeModifier) - Constructor for class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.MemberClass
memberClass - Static variable in class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.ProxyFactory
memberMethod - Static variable in class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.ProxyFactory
method - Variable in class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.MethodClass
methodBootstrap - Variable in class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.util.Bootstrap
MethodClass<T> - Class in es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic
Generates and stores the classes that perform a dynamic invocation, providing a Method instance.
MethodClass(Method) - Constructor for class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.MethodClass
methodInvoke(ClassWriter) - Method in class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.codegen.ClassGenerator
Defines the invoke method, which performs the dynamic invocation.
methodsClass - Static variable in class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.ProxyFactory
methodSignature - Variable in class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.MemberBSClass
MethodSignature - Class in es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.util
Represents the signature of a method, field or constructor, giving a specific class.
MethodSignature(Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>[]) - Constructor for class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.util.MethodSignature
Class constructor that receives the signature to define instance members.
MethodSignature(Class<?>, Class<?>[]) - Constructor for class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.util.MethodSignature
Class constructor that receives the signature to define static members or constructors.
MethodSignature(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.util.MethodSignature
Class constructor that receives the signature to define instance members or constructor without arguments.
MethodSignature(Class<?>) - Constructor for class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.util.MethodSignature
Class constructor that receives the signature to define static members.
methodTypeMethod - Variable in class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.codegen.ClassGenerator
methodTypeSignature - Variable in class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.codegen.ClassGenerator
mh - Static variable in class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.codegen.InvokedynamicBootstrap
Method handle that holds the member to be invoked.
Mhlookup - Static variable in class es.uniovi.reflection.invokedynamic.codegen.InvokedynamicBootstrap